Sit Down Sunday - 2nd March 2014

Ok, so I'm currently trying my best to keep my eyes open at 8pm on a Sunday evening...damn, I'm such the example of rock & roll don't you think? :) or not! But of course I am sitting down to recap on my week & all the things that have made me happy. I like focusing on the littler things in life but this week a few bigger things in life are going to creep into the list & rightly so they should every now & then.
Would any of my posts feel right without some form of image, whether it be a person, an object or a just wouldn't feel right without one so wait no more, the one for this post is....
Image found on weheartit
Yeah so it kind of speaks for itself, quite literally hey! :) Try & make your smile change the world & not the other way around!
The things that have made me happy are....
- getting a car (it has to be at the top of the list because it is just an incredible feeling)
- bubble baths (I absolutely love a bubble bath)
- gaining more freedom & confidence through driving
- receiving even more cards, I mean who doesn't love cards?!
- spending time with the family who are like my second family
- made up pudding (vanilla ice cream, chocolate syrup & broken up gooey biscuit...delicious!)
- attending a cupcake decorating class (watch this space, a separate blog post will if by magic :P ok, or me publishing it...humour me?)
- feeling myself grow more as a person
- being able read more of my current book
- winning a giveaway competition, thanks Rachael for holding the giveaway!
I'm going to leave the list at that & shimmy off & have a lovely bubble bath....aaahhhh bliss! :)
What has been good about your week? Let me know pleaseeeeee & thank you very much! :D
- Anna ♥

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